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Reply to Re: fade_down engine differences fix

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April 30th, 06:52 PM
Peasant He/Him Japan
Hmm, so we want text sprites (and choice menu text?) to always be visible even during a fade down effect?

Anyone know a DMOD that has an intro using this so I can see and test it easier?

I don't remember changing that specifically in the past, but it could have happened in DinkHD as a bi-product of some related changes I see:

------ Change log for 2.02 ---------- (November 2023)
* say() text is now drawn under choice menus rather than above, previously dmods that used sp_kill to make text permanent could cause visual problems in choice menus (Robj)
* Overlapping text is easier to read now, for two reasons, the main problem was Proton SDK does batching under the hood (this didn't exist when the original Dink HD was made) and it was trying to batch all the the text backgrounds together on the same layer which isn't what we wanted, and two, I made the bg slightly darker