The Dink Network

Download Of The Year 2011

I come back from a break and there's a message from Skull waiting... looks like it's time for

Go vote!

Once again, it is time for the annual DOTY, Download Of The Year!!. It is your only chance, to vote for the D-Mod, and non D-Mod file, which you think are the absolute best of the past year. Of course, during the year of 2011, we have had the 4 exciting RRR's to choose, which two D-Mods and non D-Mod files, from each quarter of the year, should have a place in the DOTY! However, to make this year's DOTY even more exciting, we have more Non D-Mod files to vote for, than perhaps ever before! Yes, that's right. Due to many non D-Mod files earning the same amount of votes in 2011's RRR's, we now have a whoppin' 9 non D-Mod files to vote for!!

If you have an amnesia, you can check the usual rules from the last RRR.

Due to The Dink Network being sorta low-budget *aherm* no prizes will be given out to the winners. However, they will earn a note in their files' description, and will forever be standing in the hall of fame of Dinkers!!

So... MAKE SURE YOU CHECK OUT ALL THE FILES and start voting!!

Cast your vote by posting a comment on this thread! To make this even more exciting and to make sure you have time to check the files, I'm gonna give you guys a special gift... TWO WEEKS TO VOTE!!

Here are the files:

Non D-Mod files:

Christmas Fan Dinktion 1 - Stories by Merder, DinkDoodler, Pillbug, MrGantoe and Absolution
WinDinkedit Plus 2 by RW
Darklands Cliffs 'n' Road by Castman
Shady Stranger by MsDink
I Will Survive This Carnage by Robj
MsDinks Graphics Pak3 (Fatties and Bar Pak) by MsDink
Alex (New Character) by Iplaydink
MsDinks Graphic Pak2 by MsDink
Hardened Manly Fingernails MIDI Album by DinkDude95


Valhalla by SabreTrout
Goblin Wars - Breaking Point by Castman
The Blacksmith's Trail by Marpro
Power Of Blood by JugglingDink
dink-wars-demo by Thor
Broken Windows by Sparrowhawk