The Dink Network

Triangle Mover

From the COTPATD project.
March 2nd, 2004
Score : 7.0 good
When I first tried out this dmod, I was like "this really sucks" and quit playing. When I later tried it again though, I went a little deeper into the game and found it to be an attractive little piece of a dmode. The sounds suck mostly, and I didn't like the midis very much either. The graphics are good ol' paintbrush quality, but in a weird dmod such as this it really doesn't matter. (not that awesome kickass graphics woul've not been cool) What I hate the most in Triangle Mover is the hurry-up-and-place-those-bouncers formulae one has to follow through the whole game.

Overally, Triangle Mover is a nice weird dmod with a good idea and great potential but many "beauty failures".